- Diver - Diver - Shark Point
- Diver - Diver - Shark Point
- Diver - Diver - Shark Point
- Diver - Diver - Shark Point
- Diver - Diver - Shark Point
- Dendronephthya australis - Dendronephthya australis - Bare Islan
- Dendronephthya australis - Dendronephthya australis - Bare Islan
- Dendronephthya australis - Dendronephthya australis - Bare Islan
- Dendronephthya australis - Dendronephthya australis - Bare Islan
- Sponge - Sponge - Bare Island
- Cowry - Cowry - The Leap
- Anthothoe albocincta - White Striped Anemone - The Leap
- Dendrochirus brachypterus - Dwarf Lionfish - The Leap
- Chelonia mydas - Green Turtle - Cap LaHoussaye
- Plectorhinchus picus - Painted Sweetlips - Cap LaHoussaye
- Taenianotus triacanthus - Leaf Scorpionfish - Cap LaHoussaye
- Coral - Coral - Yongala
- Aphelodoris varia - Variable Aphelodoris - Bare Island
- Scorpaenodes scaber - Pygmy Rockcod - Bare Island
- Gymnothorax prasinus - Green Moray - Bare Island
- Feather Star - Feather Star - Shark Point
- Cristiceps australis - Crested Weedfish - The Steps
- Porophryne erythrodactylus - Sydney Anglerfish - The Steps
- Porophryne erythrodactylus - Sydney Anglerfish - The Steps
- Hippocampus abdominalis - Big-belly Seahorse - The Steps
- Sponge - Sponge - Shark Point
- Actiniid sp.1 - Bryozoan anemone - Shark Point
- Norfolkia clarkei - Common Threefin - Shiprock
- Flabellina rubrolineata - Red lined Flabellina - Bare Island
- Rhinopias eschmeyeri - Eschmeyer Scorpionfish - Algua Patch